GoodWin Asset Managements primary objective is to maximize your portfolios exposure to attractive high-quality stocks, while controlling factors such as market sensitivity, sector weights and macroeconomic exposures that are powerful but highly volatile drivers of investment returns. In this process we avoid stocks that are speculative, risky, or possess poor business models with poor track record.

Our stock selection process includes three steps:

Stock Picking Step

Analysis of a broad international universe
high-quality stocks
US Companies, ADRs, GDRs
and Listed shares of well capitalized Foreign shares.

Short Listing Step

Short listing highest quality of stocks after they qualify GoodWins test of financial analysis, economic analysis and geographic segmental analysis.

Your Portfolio Construction Step

Not all the stocks we have short listed may fit your individual investment needs. So we pick approximately
50 stocks that meet your investment objectives and risk requirements to build your customized efficient portfolio.

Our primary goal is to maximize your profits while preserving your capital in a low risk environment!

Once we add stocks to your portfolio, we continue to monitor it. We watch for changes in a company’s business and financial condition, its management structure and its stock performance. We cease buying positions for new accounts if a company’s business fundamentals have deteriorated. We sell positions when we assess that the risk is incommensurate with the potential return. This helps us craft a portfolio with superior stock returns with very low turnover. We also invest in ETFs and funds that meet our investment criteria.